論文閱讀:Next-Generation Sequencing to Diagnose Suspected Genetic Disorders

這篇是閱讀Adams, D. R., & Eng, C. M. (2018). Next-Generation Sequencing to Diagnose Suspected Genetic Disorders. N Engl J Med, 379(14), 1353-1362. doi:10.1056/NEJMra1711801的摘要。

Clinical Next-Generation Sequencing as Diagnostic tool


Collins FS, Varmus H. A new initiative on precision medicine. N Engl J Med 2015;372:793-5.
Cyranoski D. China embraces preci- sion medicine on a massive scale. Nature 2016;529:9-10.


Bowdin S, Gilbert A, Bedoukian E, et al. Recommendations for the integration of genomics into clinical practice. Genet Med 2016;18:1075-84.

Beck TF, Mullikin JC. Systematic eval- uation of Sanger validation of next-gener- ation sequencing variants. Clin Chem 2016;62:647-54.

目前在一篇684個受測者的研究中,其分別使用外顯子測序和Sanger定序來比較受測者的五組基因,兩種技術的差異性可以接近99.97%。這研究顯示出目前測序技術的準確度越來越可靠。臨床應用測序技術的方式可以針對特定幾組基因或是整個基因組來定序,針對不同表型來設計相伴隨的測序基因組合。表型的範圍可以很小,也可以很大,小如familial hypercholesterolemia的四個基因組合,大的則如複雜疾病的表型,可以超過1000個基因以上的組合。


Kalia SS, Adelman K, Bale SJ, et al. Recommendations for reporting of sec- ondary findings in clinical exome and genome sequencing, 2016 update (ACMG SF v2.0): a policy statement of the Ameri- can College of Medical Genetics and Ge- nomics. Genet Med 2017;19:249-55.

Variant Classification


變異位點的特性可以用演化保守性、族群頻率分析、或是以其所在的蛋白質功能來歸納。在大型定序資料庫Genome Aggregation Database(gnomeAD)中有提供常見變異(Common Variants)和罕見變異(Rare Variants)。目前美國醫學遺傳學會有提供一個指引用來將變異分類成:pathogenic, likely pathogenic, likely benign, benign, 和variant of unknown significance等幾種歸類。

Richards S, Aziz N, Bale S, et al. Stan- dards and guidelines for the interpreta- tion of sequence variants: a joint consen- sus recommendation of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genom- ics and the Association for Molecular Pa- thology. Genet Med 2015;17:405-24.

在另一個重要的資料庫ClinVar中,還會將這些基因變異位點跟臨床表型連結在一起。算是更一進步把變異點跟已知道許多臨床表徵會結再一起,雖然其中會有許多重疊之處。當實際將次序導入臨床實務時,會隨之產生許多新的gene-disease關聯出現,其中偽關聯不可避免地出現,一些新的工具可以幫助我們將外部資料庫的案例匯集一起來減少偽關聯,如Gene- Matcher (https://genematcher.org/), DECIPHER (https://decipher.sanger.ac.uk/),  Phenome- Central (https://www.phenomecentral.org/) 。

MacArthur DG, Manolio TA, Dim- mock DP, et al. Guidelines for investigat- ing causality of sequence variants in hu-man disease. Nature 2014;508:469-76.

Diagnostic Rate and Stratedge

Implementation of Clinical Next Generation Sequencing
Studies of Clinical Usefulness
Challenges and Opportunities
Health Person
Future directions

論文閱讀:Genome sequencing in the clinic: the past, present, and future of genomic medicine

這篇是閱讀Prokop, J. W., May, T., Strong, K., Bilinovich, S. M.,etc. (2018). Genome sequencing in the clinic: the past, present, and future of genomic medicine. Physiological Genomics, 50(8), 563-579. doi:10.1152/physiolgenomics.00046.2018的整理。


最近有蠻多篇關於基因體於臨床的應用之文獻回顧,這算是其中一篇,由密西哥州立大學(Michigan State University)的教授Jeremy W. Prokop所撰寫的,裡面整理了基因體相關進展的研究文獻,並且最後稍微論述了未來的方向性,算是篇四平八穩的文章,可以用來加深自己對於基因體相關研究脈絡的小地圖。第一張圖使用雙股螺旋DNA的圖來做時間軸,上面標識一些相關的發表和計畫。

過去的部分分別為Road to personal medicine、Population Genomic and GWAS、Genotype to Phenotype: from Animal Models to Cells for Human Health、Clinical Sequencing and Impact on Patient Treatment。
現在:Current Cost of Sequencing、Assembly of Large Genomic Data Sets for Disease and Controls、From variant to function
未來:Where can sequencing Go?、Potential Issues and Conclusions for the future、
